Allergies, is you're child suffering in school?
What happens when our bodies don’t like the world around us? How does this affect your child in their day to day? Are they being bullied for something they can't control? Don't let your child fall victim to the lack of knowledge of others, use our allergy labels to minimise the risk of your child being affected by their allergy.
Competition: Ocean Voyager - April 2021
Join our word search competition from 16 April to 14 May 2021
Benefits of chores and child development
We help you determine which life skills you can teach your child to help foster self-reliance, confidence and responsibility in your child.
Curb School Separation Anxiety with Fun and Funky Stationery and Clothing Labels
Many kids find the idea of starting school exciting, but there are just as many kids who find it stressful. Separation anxiety is a tough, real challenge for both parents and children.
Stickers for School Clothes: Why You Need Them and Where to Get Them
The year is not even over, and it is the third time your teenager arrived home without their sports jacket. Last year, your younger teen went through two backpacks, two pairs of school shoes, and three raincoats. It cost you dearly.
Organisation 101: How Name Labels Change Your Life for the Better
Life is fast-paced and stressful, and it’s difficult juggling a career, a family with young children and pets, and a marriage. It is easy to forget the simplest things like the whereabouts of the box we packed the monopoly last summer or whose turn it is to do the dishes.