Curb School Separation Anxiety with Fun and Funky Stationery and Clothing Labels
Are you struggling to get your little one excited about starting Grade 1, or even going back to school? The year is soldiering by, and you could not be more excited as your little one is finally starting Grade 1 next month. It has been a long holiday indoors, but as the British get back to life, parents throughout the UK are buying stationery, wrapping books, and placing labels on clothes, books, and school stationery. However, there is one problem – and it is a big one: your little one does not want to go to school.
Many kids find the idea of starting school exciting, but there are just as many kids who find it stressful. Separation anxiety is a tough, real challenge for both parents and children. The good is there are ways to make their transition easier. Besides reminding your little cherub that they will come back home after you drop them off, inspire them with a daily bed-time story about starting school. Create a goodbye ritual each morning, like “see you in a while crocodile”, and pack in their favourite comfort toy. Another big favourite is personalising their bags, lunch boxes, clothing, books, and stationery with fun, funky, colourful labels.
Kids Love Colour and Images
No child on the planet does not love new things but splash their name in colour all over those new things, and it’s a whole new level of excitement. Kids have wild imaginations and respond to colourful imagery best. Allowing them to choose the theme and colours for their clothing, books and stationery labels is a sure-fire way to get them excited for their first day.
Once your customised label pack arrives from the supplier, choose one distinctive label to stick in a specific place that only you two know. Tell your little one that each time she feels homesick and sad to look at the sticker and remember that mommy and daddy love her, and she will be home soon. It’s the small things that count, and something as tiny as a colourful sticker can help comfort your little one when you’re not around. Further, it also keeps your bank balance stable, safeguarding your investment from landing in the lost-and-found.
Design Labels Together Online
Starting primary school is a significant milestone for every child and preparing your little one should not be a last-minute decision. The best thing a parent can do is get them proud and excited about putting their school clothes on, putting their bag over their shoulders, entering the school gates, and saying goodbye. Do this with fun, funky, colourful labels for clothing, books, bags, drink bottles and shoes, etc.
Today, you hardly need a graphic designer to design stationery because there is plenty of custom school clothing and stationery label websites like Labels4School UK that make label and sticker design easy and fun. To get started, log onto our site, enter your name, and choose one of the hundreds of layouts, themes, fonts, colours, and icon characters. It is as easy as your ABCs.