Colour Blind - The Effects of Colour deficiency syndrome in school children

Taking Name Labels to School
As soon as a child enters school, their name becomes particularly important since this is the initial and primary way in which one child may be distinguished from fellow scholars who are probably all wearing the same uniforms or designated school clothing. When a child suddenly becomes one of many upon swapping home for school each weekday, the youngster’s awareness of their name assumes a greater significance, which will last a lifetime. Name Association Shortly after birth, babies begin learning to associate their names with themselves. At any age, child or adult, addressing a human being by name – verbally...

Super Self-Adhesive Stickers for School Clothes
Occasionally, your child may return from school donning stickers on their clothes, typically displayed on the front chest area. It may indicate that the youngster received a reward, is a motivational growth mindset message from a teacher, or it may simply advertise a random product or service. Fascination Small children are invariably fascinated with anything that’s self-adhesive, especially if it adheres to different surfaces and features bright colours. Providing that the item sticks, it is good enough to attract children from an early age. They’ll play with these adhesive products for ages, repeatedly re-sticking them onto different surfaces until the...

Iron-On Name Labels
Best Buy Name Labels Ironed On with Ease In William Shakespeare’s popular play, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet posed the question: “What’s in a name?” She continues to nullify the importance of it – that by which her beloved Romeo and his family are known, Montague, finding little significance in the Montague family title because it doesn’t alter her affection for Romeo Montague. Significance of Names However, we at Labels4School, differ from Shakespeare and fictional Juliet. As our company’s name suggests, we are involved in providing numerous types of labels – iron-on, stick-in, sew-on or a combination of certain of these...

Shoe Labels
Avoid Boots and Shoes Without Labels Walking Out on You In late 1965, Nancy Sinatra, daughter of the famous crooner, Frank, released a song entitled “These Boots are Made for Walkin’”, which became a hit record about a month later. In the lyrics, she threatened that her boots were “gonna walk all over you”. However, at Labels4School UK, we want to help you ensure that your children’s boots, sandals and shoes do not walk out on you by going walkabout, as the Australians once termed someone or something that goes off and disappears for a while or permanently. We can...

Top Items Kids Lose at School
We're the Labelling experts! Learn more about our products and how they can reduce lost property and having to replace costly clothing items! Are your ids ALWAYS losing their things they take to school? As parents, it can be extremely frustrating having to look for items and keep reminding our children not to lose things! Check out these top items kids lose in school and remember to label these so they come back home! Top items kids lose Water Bottles & Lunch Boxes Some of the most lost items become lost because our kids take their bottles and lunch boxes...