Name Labels for School Clothing
What’s in a Name Label (for School Clothing)?
“What’s in a name” is a line spoken by Juliet, the fictional daughter of the house of Capulet, a family that features prominently in one of William Shakespeare’s most popular plays, Romeo and Juliet. Romeo’s father was a Montague. Romeo, the romantic hero, was Montague’s son, who fell in love with Juliet, the daughter of Montague’s arch enemies with whom he and his family feuded – the house of Capulet.
The phrase contends that a name may be insignificant. Accordingly, one could just as soon assign a different name to a person, family, object or event; this is in reference to the families’ mutual name-based feud.
She believes that Montague/Capulet animosity should be regarded as being of no consequence, thereby allowing the young lovers to continue pursuing their love interests, irrespective of family names.
Shakespearian Tragedy
The play ends tragically. If only Juliet had left a note for Romeo, alerting him to the fact that she wasn’t really dead. Perhaps she might have placed a small label-like tag on her clothing, indicating that her feigned demise was only temporary. Some form of effective communication could have changed the course of events.
Inconvenient and Wasteful Loss
Although the loss of unidentified school clothing and other possessions that typically accompany children to school isn’t exactly a tragedy, such loss is inconvenient, unnecessary and wasteful. Lost school clothing invariably has to be replaced, likewise other items required in the classroom.
It Really Is All in the Name
Prevention is better than cure. We firmly believe that it really is all in the name, the name on the labels that you affix to your children’s clothing, without which the clothing is usually unidentifiable. The missing item(s) may be gone forever.
Enter Labels4School UK – your partner in avoiding unnecessary loss of school attire and much more. Providing that the items are labelled with the name of the young owner, chances are good that they may be recovered if accidentally misplaced.
Always Label Every Item
Labels4School UK is a leading supplier of all-important labels for school clothing and other possessions that typically accompany children when they leave home to go to school, extra-curricular activities and/or other events where groups of similarly dressed youngsters gather. This is the typical scenario in which kiddies lose, forget or misplace their clothes.
An Anonymous Garment Belongs to an Anonymous Owner
In most cases, when a seemingly abandoned garment features the owner’s identity, some well-meaning person will hand it in at the school’s lost property facility, from where parents may retrieve the item. Without a clothing label containing a name, the garment and its owner remain anonymous. It is truly important to affix a name label to children’s school apparel.
Easy, Convenient, Quick and Affordable
For your convenience, Labels4School offers three types of affordable clothing name labels with different methods of application – iron-on, stick in, sew-in, or ironed on and sewn in – the latter being an extra-secure attachment option.
Iron-On and/or Sew-In – Only for Clothes
Tags are washing machine and tumble dryer safe, colour-fast, names are printed in pink or blue text on a durable, white synthetic material that measures 12mm x 46 mm. Products may be sewn in or ironed on or both techniques may be combined.
Stick In
Our stick in labels for garments have multiple other possibilities for use but are not suitable for sewing in or ironing, which would degrade the product’s powerful, enduring adhesive qualities. A 2- to 3-day bonding period is required before washing takes place.
Stick, sew or iron, it’s all done in a trice, with our quality, affordable name labels for school clothing and almost everything else that kiddies tend to lose. It’s all in the names – those of your children and the products offered by Labels4School.