Boredom Buster Activities
As children can easily get bored during the school holidays, we understand how it can also create stress for parents! To help alleviate that, we have put together a few fun activities that will keep kids engaged and entertained. These activities are suitable for all situations, be it a rainy day or a no TV day!
There are three printable activities to choose from, and you can download and print them by clicking on the link below. Our aim is to keep kids happy and stimultated throughout the holidays.
If you're looking for ways to beat boredom during the holidays, we've got you covered with two fun activities:
1. Boredom Buster Jar - Download Colour / Black & White
Print out and cut up all the activities, and put them into a jar. Your kids can then choose one activity a day from the jar. They're sure to have a blast!
2. Boredom Buster Bingo - Family edition - Download Colour / Black & White
Have some family fun with a Bingo game featuring enjoyable activities. Each family member can have their own copy of the Bingo board. The first person to complete a row or column wins! Alternatively, post the sheet on your fridge so that you can work together as a family to finish all the activities.
3. Boredom Buster Bingo - Individual edition - Download Colour / Black & White
Play bingo to win! Let the kids give this a go by themselves to see who can complete a row or column first.
Have fun and keep safe!